• Contest is open to non-professional photographers who are district employees, NRCS employees, Earth Team members, Auxiliary members, other conservation volunteers, and youth.
  • No more than 4 entries per an individual per year.
  • Photo must be taken in MS in the last two years.
  • A complete entry form must be attached (found on guideline each year).
  • Categories: Conservation Practices, Close up Conservation , Conservation in action, and AG/Conservation across MS.
  • Send all photos to the state for judging by the MACD information and education committee. All entries must be in the state office by the deadline ( found on contest guidelines each year).
  • Catergory winners will be recognized at the MACD Winter meeting. The overall winner will receive a framed pictutre and $100 award.
  • All category winners will proceed to the NACD National photo contest.