Mission Statement                   

Our mission is to conserve today’s resources while building tomorrow’s leaders by providing teachers with hands-on, standards-based resources that connect students to nature. By fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of the environment, we give students a reason to care and inspire them to become the next generation of environmental stewards.


Contact Info


*We can also tailor a program designed to your specific grade-level standards. In addition, our Education Director is always available to assist or even present the lesson to your students.

GENERAL Example Programs 

Critters in the Classroom: Animal Adaptation & Design, Chicken Embryology, Bee’s – Perfect Pollinator, Habitats/Food Web, Insects/ Spiders

Private Eye Curriculum:  Animal Anatomy, Leaf Studies, Nature Observers, Palm Ponds-Microscopic World

Bottle BiologyEcosystems, Nature’s Cycles, Water quality

School & Container Gardens: Where my food comes from and how to grow it, Plant Life Cycle, Soil Studies, Healthy Lifestyle

MS Wildlife: Wildlife Needs, Species Identification, Skulls & Hides, Endangered Animals

Free LESSONS & Resources  FROM AFFILIATES for classrooms:

Hatch Out Program ( provided by MSU Extension Service)


Soil Tunnel  (provided by Soil and Water Conservation Commission)


Cotton Gin Demonstration ( provided by MS Farm Bureau- Ag in the Classroom)


Lilly Belle -Artificial  Milking Cow Activity( Provided by MS Farm Bureau- Ag in the Classroom)   http://incrediblemilkingcow.com/index.html

Smokey the Bear- Fire Prevention and Education  (provided by Forestry Service)


Internet Resources:

Ag in the Classroom: https://msfb.org/teacher-resources/

Why worms?       http://edibleschoolyard.org/node/3258

Composting:        http://edibleschoolyard.org/library/composting-0

Bottle Ecosystems:    http://www.bottlebiology.org/

Soil Studies:   http://www.soils4kids.org/



Sammy Soils Coloring book https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs144p2_002325.pdf

Where does Food Come From http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/crops-1-where-does-food-come-from/? http://www.foodafactoflife.org.uk/Activity.aspx?contentId=174&sectionId=63&siteId=14.

Conservation- Management of Natural Resources: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/lorax-dr-seuss-lesson-plan/

Endangered MS projecthttps://mswildlife.org/education/endangered-mississippi-species/


Water Quality – https://www.teachengineering.org/activities/view/water_filtration
