Agricultural Crops in Mississippi – Farm Crops game, Apple Earth activity production capability, The Man that Fed the World,

Educational Gardens to check out – hydroponic garden, vertical garden, pallet garden, raised garden, container garden

Flowers – ID parts, dissection, pollination game, flower rubbing art, wildflower seed packets

Forest Management- light it up- match stick forest (control burn lesson or demonstration), take part in the Smokey Patrol, Burner Bob & Friends- kids magazine class sets/videos (Longleaf Alliance)

Leaves – identification, structure, photosynthesis, cells- chloroplast study, leaf art activities, chromatography, scavenger hunt

Life Cycle – making grass heads, pumpkin study

Linking Farm to Table- card game, wheat grinding- from grain to flour, from farm to pizza

Medicinal uses/history – medicinal herb study, making sachet/ essential oils, herb booklet, Rainforest Medicine- articles, projects, The Rainforest- the world’s largest medical cabinet

Plant/Leaf Identification/ leaf photosynthesis

Trees – identification, importance, structure, products, Smokey Bear visit( MS Forestry Commission) book-Family Trees- class sets, story of trees(wooden cookie- tree rings), Tremendous Trees Jeopardy Game, Tree Lab booklet-class sets, wood type examples

Seed Studies – seed dissection lab, dispersal investigation, living seed necklace, germination, The legend of Johnny Appleseed -Agricultural magazine for kids, seed examples kit

Vegetables & Fruits – veggie relay game, reader’s theater- book Tops and Bottoms, plant game cards

Root viewer kit