• Contest is open to K-12th grades and special education students.
  • Have students draw a poster reflecting the year’s theme (found on the contest guidelines sheet each year. Size guidelines found in the packet.
  • A completed entry form must be attached ( Found on contest guidelines each year).
  • Categories: K-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12 and Special Education (only in MS)
  • Local SWCD will form a committee to judge posters once all posters are received. Winners will proceed to the area contest to be judged. Contact your MSWCC field representative for more information.
  • Winners of the area contest will proceed to the State for judging by the MACD information and education committee. Category winners will be recognized at the MACD Winter meeting and receive a $50 cash award.
  • Winners of the State competition will proceed to the NACD National Poster Contest.

Visit NACD for more specific instructions.https://www.nacdnet.org/contests/